
Aries Archives

October 8, 2019

When powerful Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on October 3, it’s time to say goodbye to your weaknesses. It’s not always easy to let go of destructive behaviors, but right now you have the power to say no and mean it. Also on the third, powerful Mars, your ruler, enters gentle Libra, so you’ll lean toward solving problems with tact rather than force. This can be a gentle break for the people around you, Aries. When loving Venus enters intense Scorpio on October 8, nothing is trivial. You take nothing for granted and leave no stone unturned when searching for the truth. Love is your goal, and you’ll stop at nothing to achieve it. The full moon in your sign on the thirteenth brings out your competitive best, and you’ll want to leave it all on the table. It’s all or nothing for you now, and you aren’t happy with anything but a top-notch personal performance. The intensity remains high as the autumn sun enters Scorpio’s driven sign on October 23, and for the next month, you’ll thrive under this combination’s determination. Choose a goal you can accomplish in the next 30 days and put all your attention toward it. The results should be amazing.

September 8, 2019

You’ve got energy to spare during the busy sun-Mars conjunction on September 2. Why not get something done you’ve been putting off? You’ll feel great once you’ve crossed off everything on that pesky to-do list! A helpful Mercury-Mars conjunction the very next day increases mental activity, and you might become very focused on one or two small details. You’re an excellent debater now, able to argue your point against almost anyone and come out ahead. You’re very proud of your accomplishments during the sun-Jupiter square on the eighth, and why shouldn’t you be? You deserve your just rewards. Overconfidence can be a problem during this transit, though, Aries, so don’t let your ego get too out of control. The full moon is in sensitive Pisces on September 13, creating a romantic atmosphere for you to express your deepest desires. Try whispering instead of shouting during this soft-spoken aspect. It gets your point across in a much more seductive and effective way. You find it easier to get things done on your own during the Mercury-Saturn square on the twenty-second rather than be distracted by working as part of a group. It’s hard for you to get your point across when you can’t focus on your thoughts, but is it possible you’re being overly sensitive?

August 9, 2019

Your sometimes tactless manner subsides slightly now that communicative Mercury has just turned direct in soft-spoken Cancer. Your pace is far less rushed than usual as you focus on making loved ones feel comfortable, valued, and loved with your kind words. Destiny is on your side as lucky Jupiter goes direct on August 11, so don’t dismiss the opportunities it presents. If you’ve been regretting something lately, this is your chance to take action and make things right. Your home planet Mars enters structured Virgo on the eighteenth, so you’re ready, willing, and able to power through whatever’s on your plate. Keep your head down and your eyes on the results as you’re stuck working those long overtime hours. Loving Venus also enters Virgo’s practical sign, on August 21, at which point love becomes more about practical gestures than it does about passion. As a fire sign, you can never put the fire out completely, but this earthy influence does a lot to calm things down romantically. A progressive Mars-Uranus trine on the twenty-eighth encourages you to take risks, and you should be able to rely on your instincts when it comes to figuring out the boundaries. There are still rules you must follow like everyone else, but you have a way of cutting through red tape better than your competitors.

July 7, 2019

Expect some early fireworks when aggressive Mars and fiery Leo get together on July 1. There’s no guessing what will happen when these powerhouses team up, but it’s going to be exciting! Communicative Mercury in outgoing Leo enters a retrograde period on the seventh, which, unfortunately, could disrupt messages and cause confusion. The good news? Something that was lost might suddenly turn up. Don’t ask too many questions. Just be thankful for its return. If you’ve been avoiding something painful lately, the healing power of Chiron going retrograde in your determined sign on July 8 should be enough to help you bravely face it. Avoid self-pity. What happens from here on out is up to you. There’s rebellion in the air during the Mars-Uranus square on the eleventh, causing you to act with little regard to the potential consequences. Find a safe area of your life where breaking the rules doesn’t have such dire results. Venus loves money, so when she enters proud Leo on July 27, you want to boast about your wealth or recent efforts to make money. Other people are happy for your success, but bragging about yourself too often could get old.

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