Pisces Archives
August 13, 2021
Pisces, enjoy your work, be creative, and at the same time find a way to get organized this month. With the sun in Leo and your lifestyle sector until August 22, it’s time to streamline your affairs. There are creative opportunities showing up over the coming weeks, and you’ll need time to look into them. If your work is too routine and limiting, it could lose its sparkle. This is an opportunity to make changes and perhaps find something new if you’re unhappy. On the other hand, an attitude adjustment might also do the trick. The new moon in Leo on the eighth could coincide with a promising interview or the start of a new job that allows you to use more of your talents. Also consider sending out your resume and seeing what response you get. Are you ready to ditch bad habits and start a new phase of healthy living? This is the time to go for it. There is also a strong focus on relationships with fiery Mars inspiring you to be more proactive and clear the air where necessary. If a situation has been lingering for some time, this feisty influence could see you taking control and doing something positive about it. There’s a full moon in your spiritual zone on August 22, so it’s important to take time out to relax and recharge. If you’ve been busy over the past several weeks, try to lighten your schedule and indulge in some self-care. The sun’s move into Virgo, also on the twenty-second, could highlight the state of key relationships and give you some ideas about how you might improve on them. The coming weeks encourage you to cooperate, collaborate, and expand your network of contacts. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your partner. Finally, with lovely Venus moving into Libra on August 15, one relationship could take a more passionate turn.
May 1, 2020
It’s possible to form a distorted view of yourself, someone else, or certain situations during the hazy Venus-Neptune square on May 3. For that reason, Pisces, it’s best to put off making any major decisions until the fog dissipates and you can see things more clearly. ?? An intense full moon in fellow water sign Scorpio on the seventh creates the illusion of passion and mystery and fully encourages you to follow your heart. There are big things bubbling under the surface now, but you’re afraid to take a peek and see exactly what they are. With the light from the full moon overhead, there’s no reason to be afraid of the dark. ? Aggressive Mars pairs up with your own compassionate sign on May 12, turning your drive to succeed into a more creative pursuit. You’re still interested in pursuing success, but in a more understated way. You’re happy to work steadily in the background, letting other people take the stage.?? Communicative Mercury teams up with gentle Cancer on the twenty-eighth, allowing you to get closer to the people you care about. Call and check on an older relative, text a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, or look up an ex you lost touch with. Your world is much more complete knowing the people you care about are safe.
April 1, 2020
You start with your head high in the clouds as Mercury forms a conjunction to your power planet Neptune on April 3. Quite frankly, your dreams, visions, and imaginings range from whimsical to dark and intense now, but that’s okay because you don’t have to tell anyone what you’re thinking about if you don’t want to. Mercury powers into Aries on the tenth, creating a much bolder, more aggressive energy in which you can express yourself. You tend to want to stay in the background most of the time, but this duo encourages you to get up on stage and say what’s on your mind. Turn up your microphone so the people in back can hear you. A sun-Jupiter square on April 15 has you questioning your luck, because just as things seem like they’re going your way, they suddenly turn to mud. Have you been looking at your vision board and doing visualizing exercises, Pisces? Because you can actually manifest your own good luck if you think positively now. Chatty Mercury is subdued slightly when it meets up with conservative Taurus on the twenty-seventh, but only because you want to take your time and think things through before expressing your thoughts and ideas. You’re given the gift of patience during this transit, so don’t waste it. You’ll know when the time is right.
March 1, 2020
Pleasure-seeking Venus pairs up with beauty-loving Taurus, the sign it rules, on March 4, leading you to seek out attractiveness. You love beautiful artwork, gourmet food, and expensive jewelry, and you want to hang out where all the beautiful people are. You might splurge on something you really want whether you can afford it or not, although you’ll probably feel guilty about it later if a large purchase breaks your budget. Communicative Mercury enters your gentle sign on the sixteenth, changing the way you interact with people. Since you’re pretty shy now, this isn’t the best time to give speeches or presentations. You’re okay during one-on-one interactions, but getting in front of large groups is scary. You become much bolder and more aggressive when the sun enters fiery Aries on March 19, and new beginnings are possible now because it occurs at the spring equinox and during our return to the first sign of the zodiac. You live fully in the present moment, which is nice for a change. A sultry Mars-Pluto conjunction on the twenty-third increases your sex drive and makes you think about a lot of things you’ve tried to push to the back of your mind. Find something constructive to do with your excess energy, Pisces, before you do something you might come to regret later!