Leo Archives
June 10, 2018
An ego-driven sun-Mercury conjunction on June 5 helps get your communication system functioning in high gear, including the way you converse and gather information. With your big vocabulary and other obvious displays of intelligence, you’re very mentally focused on making a good impression. Charming Venus enters your flamboyant sign on the thirteenth, so look out, world! You’re in love with love, and if you don’t have it, you’ll dedicate all your spare time to looking for it. If you’re in love, it’s no holds barred as you seek big ways to let everyone know all about it. If your partner is on the shy side, however, you may want to consider his or her feelings before you do anything that could be embarrassing (even if you have the best of intentions). The sun enters laid-back Cancer on June 21, so most of your attention is taken off you and refocused on others. An increased dose of sympathy makes you finally see the reality of someone’s sad situation and helps you feel empathetic and helpful. A sun-Saturn (retrograde) opposition on the twenty-seventh puts limitations on you that you fight against, but some things are too powerful to overcome. You might just have to be satisfied with knowing that you tried.
May 10, 2018
The sun, your ruler, opposes retrograde Jupiter on May 8, bringing a lot of opportunities for you to succeed, Leo. But the more you feel the need to brag, the less effect your achievements have. Wait for other people to comment or compliment you before you brag about your own great accomplishments. The sun’s trine with retrograde Pluto is notable for its deep intensity on the eleventh, and you have greater influence over your own life as well as those of the people you care about. You come off as a wise scholar in many fields right now, but saying you know something about topics you’re unfamiliar with can get you into trouble. Stick with what you know or do the in-depth research it takes to declare yourself an expert. The sun drifts into Gemini’s quick-witted and alert presence for a month starting on May 20, making you intensely curious to learn new things. Expand upon the knowledge base you tapped earlier in the month or learn something totally new. You’re a quick study. A Jupiter-Neptune trine is a beacon of hope on the twenty-fifth, at which point enlightenment can be obtained through visions and dreams. Your subconscious is an untapped tool, so developing it is endlessly advantageous.
April 16, 2018
Expansion, contraction: April could feel like a continuous balancing act as a passel of planets crowd into two signs, spotlighting contrasting areas of your chart. The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in Aries, which rules your ninth house of growth and adventure. Especially while the Sun is here until April 19, you’ll feel a tingling urge to take a leap of faith and explore new possibilities. As a Leo, you really love the idea of doing something big and bold. Most times, you’re an immediate “yes!” But have you performed all the safety checks and proper drills? A cosmic triumvirate (Mars, Saturn and Pluto) simultaneously roots into Capricorn and your sensible sixth house, demanding that you conduct due diligence first. It’s like there’s a wild start-up founder and a controlling project manager in your head at once, and at moments, their celestial civil war could be exhausting. Do you heed the helicopter parent, or just say “screw it” and jump?